Webelos is an 18-month transition program from Cub Scouts to Boy Scouts.
The word Webelos is an acronym for “We‘ll Be Loyal Scouts” and is both the singular and plural form; in other words, it is never used without the “s.” There is no such thing as a Webelo!
The boy becomes a Webelos Scout upon graduation from the Bear program in the summer following third grade. He has the rest of the summer to get started on Webelos activities. Boys new to Cub Scouting can become Webelos if they have completed third grade and have earned the Bobcat badge.
Webelos may wear either the blue Cub Scout uniform or the tan Boy Scout uniform, with Cub Scout insignia. Boys who are continuing from lower ranks typically continue to use their blue uniform until they have earned their Webelos rank, at which point many families opt to switch to tan. Boys who are just joining at this level will probably want to purchase only the tan uniform, since the blue would be worn for such a short time. Note, however, that the belt loops only fit on the blue Cub Scout belt, not the olive Boy Scout belt, so the Webelos will continue to use the blue belt until graduation.
Instead of working on electives, each Webelos Scout works to complete a series of 20 hobby and career Activity Badges. The emphasis shifts from home-centered activities to a series of group-centered activities conducted by the Webelos den.
The Activity Badges (which are actually pins) are patterned after merit badges in Boy Scouts. They may be worn on the Scout’s hat or on a set of ribbons called the Webelos Colors (see below).
After earning the Webelos badge, a Webelos can earn the Compass Points Emblem. It is awarded after earning seven Activity Badges: four more in addition to the three earned for the Webelos badge. A metal compass point is then awarded for each four additional activity badges earned over the 18-month Webelos program.