The Pack Meeting Agenda
Before the Meeting:
Adult leaders in the pack gather to be sure the meeting place is prepared: the room is set up, exhibits and displays are prepared, equipment is ready, and the agenda is distributed.
A gathering time provides interesting things for boy and families to do while waiting for everyone else to arrive.
A brief ceremony marks the beginning of the meeting. Pack ceremonies often consist of a flag presentation, a brief prayer, or a song. The Cubmaster also welcomes and introduces new members and special guests.
The program section of the meeting may include presentations and performances by the dens that demonstrate things the boys learned during the month, activities that involve the entire audience, or a featured event.
Recognition and Rank Advancement:
An important part of the pack meeting is formal recognition given to the Cub Scouts who have earned badges, adventure loops, pins or other awards, and the leaders who have earned training awards, religious emblems, or other community awards.
The closing begins with announcements about special events, coming activities, the theme for the next month, and the date of the next pack meeting, followed by a closing ceremony.
After the Meeting:
After the pack meeting, many packs provide refreshments for an informal fellowship session, and the leaders and boys help to put the meeting space back in order.
These are the standard items that take place during the pack meeting. The following items *may* be part of the pack meeting and will be published as part of the agenda for each month. Please select the current month in the navigation menu to see the latest agenda